Shagun is backed by its own sprawling hygienic and certified factory located in the Spice Market. The factory has a working areas of 12000 Sq ft. Our dedicated and skilled staff adds to the brand value of Shagun.
We have adopted Good Manufacturing Practice and ensure that we offer products just the way you want it. Special attention is paid to hygiene.
Shagun generally means Auspicious and no doubt Shagun today is characterized by success, standing true to its name and being auspicious.
What started as a humble beginning and a need for survival has today flourished into a passion which has taken Shagun across the globe.
We are today proud to associate our self with reputed buyers and brand owners across the globe.
Spice is a vast subject and perhaps unending. It was necessary to master a part of it and this we have done. Be it rate or quality we have mastered the same in Chilli Powder, Turmeric Powder, Coriander Powder, Curry Powder, Cumin Powder, Crushed Chilles and Chilli Whole.
We may not be the best but are we are definitely and proudly one of the best.